A 50 year old male with abdominal distention and pain abdomen

This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted. 


Chief complaints : 
A 50 year old male a government revenue employee by occupation came with a Che if complaints of
★ abdominal distention and pain abdomen since 1 week
★shortness of breath since 1 week 
★ b/l lower limb sweeping since 5 days 
★decreased urine output and yellowish discoloration of urine since 5 days 
★ loss of appatite since 5 days 

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic one week back then he noticed abdomeninal distention which was diffuse associated with abdominal pain( squeezing type ) not associated with vomotings , loose stools , fever . aggravated with food intake .
 Complaints of bilateral pedal edema which is pitting type gradually progressive,  extending from ankle to knee joint 
C/o decreased urine output  and yellowish discolouration of urine since 5 days not associated with fever with chills and burning miturition , frothing of urine 
No h/o chest pain , palpitations , excessive sweating . 
Complaints of shortness of breath with grade II which is decreased in supine position 
No H/o hematemisis , melena

He is a government revenue employee who wakes up at 6 am do his daily routine and hurriedly goes to his work mostly he skips his breakfast . up to 2 pm he doesn't have time he is busy with his respective work at 2 pm he takes his lunch and comes to home by 6 to 6:30 pm the he goes to drink alcohol( whiskey 180 ml ) this was his daily routine since 12 years .
3 years back the patient was admitted in hospital for 15 days he was diagnosed with dengue ( ? Coma)
2 years back he had jaundice for which he had a 2 PRBC transfusions 
Recently 20 days back  he is having decreased vision so he went to checkup and diagnoses with cataract , he was adviced to stop alcohol so he stopped alcohol 15 days back 

Past history 
Not a known case of HTN , Diabetes , asthma , TB , epilepsy , CAD ,CVD , thyroid diseases 
H/o appendicectomy 17 yes back
Personal history 
 He takes mixed diet 
Appetite : decreased since 5 days
Sleep : adequate 
Addictions :Alcoholic since 12 years,he used drink 180 ml of whiskey twice a week but from last 6 years he began drinking 180 ml of whiskey daily, but stopped drinking 15 days ago. 
 No h/o smoking 

Family history 
Not significant 


Patient was conscious,coherent  cooperative poorly build and nourished
Pallor :  present 
Icterus: present  
clubbing: absent 
cyanosis: absent 
Lymphadenopathy: absent 
Edema : present 
                      Cataract :
On 2/1/23 
Temp :  afebrile 
BP :  110/90 mmHg 
Pulse :  90 bpm 
RR :  22cpm 
Spo2 : 98%

On 3/1/23 
Temp:  afebrile 
BP : 110/70 mmHg supine position 
Pulse : 92 bpm 
RR : 20cpm 
Grbs : 101 mg /dl 

Systemic examination

Per abdomen
On Inspection :
Abdomen is distended 
Visible veins are seen 
Flanks are full
A rash is seen in the region xiphoid process to left 
Umbilicus : flat 
An appendecectomy scar is present in right iliac fossa
Palpation :
No local raise of temperature 
Abdomen is tense
 abdominal girth : 93 cms 
Mild tenderness over right hypochondrium 
Liver and spleen are not palpable 
On percussion
A dull note is heard 

On auscultation 
Decreased bowel sounds are heard 

Respiratory system

On inspection
Shape of chest is normal 
Looks like symmetrically expanding 
No scars and sinuses 
Trachea is central 

On palpation : 
no local raise of temperature or tenderness 
All inspectory findings were confirmed 
Chest is symmetrically expanding On both sides 

On percussion 
Purssion note is same on both sides 

On auscultation :
Bilateral air entry was present 
Crepitus was heard in the right and left inframammary, supra mammary , infra axillary areas


S1 S 2 heard apex beat felt at 5th inter coastal space lateral to mid clavicular line  no murmors 

CNS examination 

Conscious, coherent, cooperative
Appearence and behaviour:
Emotionally stable
Recent,immediate, remote memory intact
Speech: comprehension normal, fluency normal

All cranial nerves functions intact

Pain , temperature ,presure- intact in all limbs

Posterior column:
Fine touch, vibration and proprioception are intact


                      Right          Left 

Inspection.      N.              N 
Palpation.        N.             N 
UL.                  N.               N 
LL.                    N.             N

         B      T      S      K        A         P 

R      +       +       +       +       +        Flexor 

L       +      +      +       +         +        Flexor

Finger nose Incoordination - No 
Knee heel incoordination  - No 

Decomoensated liver disease  2° to pancreatitis 2° to alcohol abuse 


Ascitic tap was done but no fluid was drained 
•  Fluid restriction  less than 1.5 L /day
• Salt restriction  less than 2g/day
• Inj Lasix 40mg IV BD 
• Syp lactulose 30ml PO 
• Maintain 2-3 times passage of stools
• TAB Gabapentin 100mg PO BD
• Inj Monocef 
• TAB Aldactone 50 mg PO OD


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